Re: [css3-values] whitespace requirement around + and - in calc()

Also sprach L. David Baron:

 > no longer has the requirement (which I believe used to be in the
 > spec, and which I believe the WG agreed on) that there must be
 > whitespace around the '+' and '-' inside of calc().
 > (This is needed because '-' is an identifier character in CSS, so
 > 3em-2px tokenizes as a length with number '3' and unit 'em-2px'.)

So, you'd like to change:

  sum     : product [ [ "+" | "-" ] S* product ]*;


  sum     : product [ [ "+" | "-" ] product ]*;


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 9 August 2010 19:46:03 UTC