Re: [CSS 2.1] [section 9.5 Floats] Empty floated element with a set width but height:0

On 08/07/2010 04:35 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Anton Prowse<>  wrote:
>> Again, this is about continuities.  What if the second float's margin
>> area height were negative?  I'd expect (insist, actually) that it be
>> ignored for the purposes of line box shortening.  Should it stop being
>> ignored at zero height, or at positive height?  Positive height seems
>> the more sensible to me.
> Are you talking about the case where the float is at the top of the
> line box, or in the middle?
> In the "top of line box" situation, it should be treated identically
> to any other positive-height float that happens to have a bottom
> margin edge incident with the top edge of the line box.
> In the "middle of line box" situation, several behaviors seem sensible
> to me.  We can make it not count when it's zero-height, not count when
> it's negative height, or just count all the time.

Making it not count when zero or negative makes the most sense to me.
It seems odd for negative area take up space.


Received on Monday, 9 August 2010 17:42:25 UTC