Re: CSS Viewport proposal

>> Will people complain about breaking with the specification of a CSS pixel?

Basically this will mean that the device-width will be in pixels and
not in CSS pixels, but the width that the algorithm sees is in CSS
pixels as the DPI will be considered.

Like on N900, you will get 320 as device-width, due to 480 / 320 = 1.5
and thus 480 / 1.5 = 320. If I set device-densitydpi to device-dpi,
the algorithm will see it as 480


Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Technical Lead / Senior Software Engineer
Qt Labs Americas, Nokia Technology Institute, INdT
Phone  +55 81 8895 6002 / E-mail kenneth.christiansen at

Received on Monday, 9 August 2010 17:09:16 UTC