[css3-multicol] column balancing and fixed height (RE: Question on Flexbox balance implementation)

Alex Mogilevsky wrote:

 > If the height of a multi-column container is explicitly specified,
 > then the column-fill: balance property is ignored in current
 > implementations. The current spec doesn't seem to say anything on
 > this. Can we get it specified?

Hmm. I don't see why columns shouldn't be balanced when the height is

Also, Prince balances the columns. Here's your test case along with
Prince' rendition:


Also, in paged media the height of the container is constrained (by
the page, if not explicityly limited). We certainly want to balance
columns on the last page, no?

 > In my opinion, disabling balancing with fixed columns is somewhat
 > easier to implement, but it is a case of property side effect that
 > we generally tend to avoid.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª
howcome@opera.com                  http://people.opera.com/howcome

Received on Monday, 9 August 2010 15:23:01 UTC