Re: Implementation of Inset Box Shadow on image elements

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Simon Fraser <> wrote:
> So one thing I don't understand about this proposed use of
> inset shadow, illustrated at
> <>, is why the
> background-image is dimmed out at all.
> The inset shadow goes from fully opaque at the edges of the
> "hole", to fully transparent over most of the hole (by some
> distance related to the blur radius from the edge). So,
> outside the influence of the shadow, the background-image
> should be fully revealed. Why is it dimmed out?

Because it's a different image.  The one on the left is pola.jpg, the
one on the right is pola-trans.jpg.


Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2010 18:23:48 UTC