Re: [css3-mediaqueries] [CSS21] Difference between CSS21 and Media Queries in parsing media?

Hi fantasai (and www-style)

fantasai schrieb:
> On 07/29/2010 07:05 AM, Johannes Koch wrote:
> The statement from 7.2.1 that you're missing here is
> # @media and @import rules with unknown media types are treated as if
> # the unknown media types are not present.
> An invalid media query from CSS2.1's perspective is effectively an unknown
> media type.

I would have guessed that an unknown media type is something that a) 
matches the parsing rules for a media type and b) is unknown (undefined) 
in a specific version of CSS.

So my reading was that e.g. "&test" does not meet a) and so is not an 
unknown media type, but part of a malformed statement.

> I agree that CSS2.1 could be more clear on how to handle unexpected tokens
> in the media list. Probably
>   s/unknown/unknown or malformed/ or s/unknown/invalid/
> in the above-quoted statement, and somehow adding the 
> brackets-and-quotes-matching
> rules to the general definition of "ignore" would help...

If this is the intention of CSS 2.1 then, yes, it should be made more clear.

Johannes Koch
In te domine speravi; non confundar in aeternum.
                             (Te Deum, 4th cent.)

Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2010 07:29:14 UTC