Re: [css3-mediaqueries][cssom] Empty media queries in stylesheets and the DOM

Le 26/04/10 16:08, Sylvain Galineau a écrit :

> OK, my bad. So media="" is invalid but the absence of the media attribute means
> media="all". That one makes sense and seems consistent with no @media
> implying @media all {...} and @media {...} being invalid.

Just to make sure everyone knows about it: the recent WD about
xml-stylesheet says nothing at all about the lack of the 'media'
pseudo-attribute. In other terms, it's open to the xml dialect
to define that. A comment by Simon Pieters says it could be up
to the CSS OM to define that. I complained because the CSS OM
is far from ready yet and the new xml-stylesheet is supposed
to fix errors and underspecifications of the first REC. Until one
of the two specs reaches REC status, lack of 'media' pseudo-
attribute _is undefined_ even if I suspect common practice
makes it similar to |media="all"|...


Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2010 17:30:56 UTC