Re: [css3-color] #rrggbbaa annotation, do we need to change the process?

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Eduard Pascual <> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Alberto Lepe <> wrote:
>> As a newcomer, I found all these comments really useful to understand
>> how W3C works in general.
> That means that my idea of gathering this stuff in a FAQ might indeed
> be useful ^^.

I follow your idea about the FAQ. A basic "can do" and "can't do"
could be enough to start with it. If you are going to move ahead with
the idea and you need some help, I would be glad to help.

>> Could it be possible to divide module stages into chapter stages? This
>> is,  that each chapter (inside each module) could have its own
>> recommendation level?
> This is a midpoint between the current Modularization approach, and
> the independent feature stages I suggested.
> Yet still, modularization itself is a midpoint between the old
> monolithic approach and more fine-grained suggestions. I'm quite
> convinced the WG put serious thought and work on Modularization before
> CSS3 was split into its current modules, so it seems obvious that this
> approach represents the level of break-down the group considered most
> optimal, keeping in mind a wide range of factors.

Actually giving a second thought, your idea of "independent feature"
is better than the "per chapter" approach as any modification/addition
to the standards would result in a less painful process.

Thank you for all your explanations and for believing that my English
is not that bad :)

Received on Friday, 9 April 2010 12:24:49 UTC