Re: [css3-animations] Splitting up concepts of "animations"

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Simon Fraser <> wrote:
> I think this is the same conclusion that Hakon came to at the end of
> <>:
>> So, to conclude, the effects are not tied to "states". Rather, the
>> effect trigger when the value of the 'effect' property changes for a
>> given element. When this happens, the respective 'on-exit' and
>> 'on-entry' effects will be shown.

Yeah, looks like it is approximately the same.  I got a bit lost in
that thread.  ^_^

> And my response was that on-exit (or play-out) can have unwanted
> side effects if you're allowed to run infinite animations:
> <>
> but I think you're disallowing that, in this case?

Yes, the only use-case for an infinite play-count animation is to have
it run the entire time an element is in a particular state.  I sliced
that use-case out separately, so all -in and -out animations run for a
finite amount of time.

> Even so, what if
> a play-out animation runs for 1000000000s?

It would run for a long time (just over 30 years, actually).

How is this case any different from simply specifying a very
long-running animation in the current draft?

(A possible answer is "You can stop a normal long-running animation
(that is, an entry animation) by removing it from the list".  A
counter would be to say that exit animations stop when the element
regains them.  I believe this is the best behavior in any case.)

As long as there is a way to stop an exit animation, I don't think
this is a legitimate objection, since it applies equally to any other
type of animation.  A benefit of what I'm doing, though, is that you
can't accidentally specify bad behavior this way.  You have to
actually set a very long duration; you can't accidentally change an
infinite entry animation (that is, a "during" animation) into an
infinite exit one.


Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 20:12:28 UTC