Re: Single-line comments

2010-04-03 22:08, Glen skrev:
> I see.
> Well, I don't think it's a huge optimization that should prevent
> single-line comments from being implemented. UAs can simply be changed
> to collapse spaces/tabs only, right?

I have no opinion on single line comments. (Except that I occassionally 
use the by force of habit from PHP/JS/C/Java, etc.)

I do however suppose that the first thing an optimizer would do is to 
strip out all comments, before it starts to remove all whitespace, just 
like it works in JavaScript minification.

This means that current optimizer would need to be rewritten, but that 
is trivial. There might be other valid concerns, but optimization is not 
an usable argument here.

Lars Gunther

Received on Sunday, 4 April 2010 20:33:28 UTC