[css3-animations] Value type of animation names

Hi all,
I have found a small error in CSS3 animations spec.

There are several examples in which an animation name is surrounded by
single quotes, such as:

@keyframes 'wobble' { ... }


div {
    animation-name: 'diagonal-slide';

However, the definition of animation name does not allow such names, since
IDENT does not allow a quoted string:

keyframes-rule: '@keyframes' IDENT '{' keyframes-blocks '}';
animation-name: none | IDENT [, none | IDENT ]*

I suggest replacing all the occurrences of "IDENT" with "STRING",  which
only allows a quoted string (by double quotes or single quotes), so that the
examples conform to the syntax.


Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2009 14:11:48 UTC