Re: [css3-layout] shorthand for slot construction

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Andrew Fedoniouk
<> wrote:
> CSS tables cannot reproduce <table> layout.
> colspan/rowspan and their flex behavior.

There's been talk about adding rowspan/colspan.  It's very likely
that'll show up in either Tables level 3 or 4.

What part of the flex behavior isn't present in the Tables module?

> width=100% in tables is very far from width:100% in CSS.

Afaik, width=100% on a <table> is just sizing the border-box.  In
other words, <table>s just have an automatic box-sizing:border-box
applied by the UA.

> (and <table>s have explicit flex units already like
> <td width="1*">, btw) So vast majority of cases where we use
> flow:"template" now are simply not reproducible by display:table
> and even by <table>s.

Can you explain this flex behavior further?


Received on Monday, 19 October 2009 17:16:05 UTC