Re: [css3-text] Suggestion for text-overflow:shrink

On Oct 15, 2009, at 6:53 PM, Alex Mogilevsky <>  

> On the other hand if fine control of how exactly text is adjusted to  
> fit is desired, a property with 'text' prefix would be more  
> appropriate.

That's how I see it. So far, all the use cases seem to about that.

> I have mixed feelings about that though. Fine control is good, but  
> then UA is discouraged from applying the best technology available  
> (even if some newly invented font adjustment is better, it will have  
> to apply 'condense' when directed).

I can see that point. Maybe 'text-overflow: fit' is specific enough,  
and the UA is free to adjust size, glyph width, font variants, weight,  
tracking, etc. as it sees fit. 

Received on Friday, 16 October 2009 02:43:04 UTC