Re: [css3-multicol] z-ordering of column-rules

Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:46 PM, fantasai wrote:
>> Robert O'Callahan wrote:
>>>>> Just add a sentence to section 5:
>>>>> "If a column rule is wider than its gap, the column rule will
>>>>> overlap adjacent column boxes. **Column rules are painted above
>>>>> the multi-column element's background and border (if any) and
>>>>> below any descendants of the element.**"
>>>> Are there any cases where descendants of an element can be painted below
>>>> it?
>>> Yeah actually there are, when the element is not a stacking context :-( .
>>> Hakon's text is OK.
>> It's not OK if it's wrong. :)
> Hakon's text is not wrong.

So let me get this straight. Håkon's text says that column rules
are painted *above* the border and *below* descendants. Like so:

   <insert column rules here>

But you're saying that there are cases where descendants of an element
can be painted below it. Like so:


So tell me, where in that stack, exactly, is both *above* the border
and *below* the descendants? Because such a place must always exist for
Håkon's text to always be correct.


Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2009 08:54:18 UTC