Re: [css3-multicol] Column gaps and column rules

fantasai wrote, on 11 Dec 2007:

 > # Column rules do not take up space. That is, the presence or
 > # thickness of a column rule will not alter the placement of
 > # anything else. If a column rule is wider than its gap, the
 > # column rule will overlap adjacent column boxes.
 > I think that we should change this so that the column gap is
 > always at least as wide as the column rule.

I disagree. First, I think the currently described functionality can
be used for effect. Second, even if you make it be at least as wide
as, it will not look good in the common cases -- you need to set a gap
as well. Third, the new proposal is more complex than the current
behavior (if only slightly).

 > # Column rules are only drawn between columns that have content
 > # in the normal flow.
 > What about floats? They're not in the normal flow, but I'd expect
 > them to count. I suggest removing "in the normal flow".

Agree. Done.

 > A related question is whether rules appear for columns that have
 > content that overflowed from a fixed-size box in a previous column.
 > 5.1 'column-gap'
 > ----------------
 >    # Computed value: specified value
 >    That should be
 >    | Computed value: absolute length or 'normal'


 > 5.5. 'column-rule'
 > ------------------
 >    Need to specify that omitting a value implies setting that property
 >    to its initial value.

Yes, this has now been added: "Omitted values are set to their initial values."

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 22 February 2009 21:55:39 UTC