Re: Why "color"

This topic is out of scope for www-style, please RTFM:

Per that document:

"Please send your comments to the public mailing list"

That being said, IMHO there were a few good responses in this thread,
and lacking an official W3C-wide wiki to capture them, I've collected
them into FAQs on the microformats wiki, which adopts the above-cited
W3C "en-US" spelling policy.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Rainer Åhlfors
<> wrote:
> With all due respect -- it should be the "why 'color'" guy who should be
> credited with any seeds sown in this strange matter.

Indeed. Congratulations to the original localization troll. You
spawned a sufficiently long and low s/n thread that I am unsubscribing
from www-style.

Here's to hoping a search company solves the public email list search
problem (with time-sorted/threaded results) in the future.


Received on Thursday, 19 February 2009 18:59:24 UTC