Re: Why "color"

Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> Much as I (as a native speaker of British English)
> would like "color" in CSS to be spelled "colour",
> there is not a cat's chance in hell of changing it
> now.  But is there any deep reason (as opposed to
> superficial) why "colour" could not be introduced
> as a synonym ?

It could be done assuming at least the following things were defined:

1)  What happens when both "color" and "colour" are set (presumably last
     one specified wins?).
2)  Whether there is a corresponding "colour" property on the
     nsIDOMCSS2Properties interface or equivalent.
3)  Whether the spelling needs to be preserved by parsing and
     reserialization (if the synonym _is_ added, I would suggest "no").

There might be other interaction issues too; those are off the top of my 

I may be biased, but it doesn't seem to be worth the effort of trying to 
specify this...  If someone has that much time on their hands, there are 
much more substantive parts of CSS3 that need editing help.


Received on Thursday, 19 February 2009 00:34:07 UTC