Re: [CSS] Extending media queries

Le mardi 17 février 2009, François REMY a écrit :

> How can I do to know if the browser that read my page support box-shadow ?
> With my proposal, it's simple :
> @media (implements: box-shadow) { ... }
> @media !(implements: box-shadow) and (implements: border-image) { ...}

Remember that media queries are about describing the output device, not about 
the user agent.

So those statements make no sense, as your rendering device does 
not 'implement box shadow' or any of CSS - the user agent does.

Your proposal, regardless of its merit, would need to define it's own domain 
of query.

But anyway, like all User Agent detection schemes, it will be abused to 
provide selective support, undermining CSS's graceful fallback on a global 

@agent (implements: -ozm-proprietary-property) { @import ... }
@agent (implements: -bzo-proprietary-property) { @import ... }
/* sorry, you are out of luck, welcome to the wonders of unstyled content */

this should not be encouraged or made easy..


Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 00:09:19 UTC