Re: [CSS21][css3-namespace][css3-page][css3-selectors][css3-content] Unicode Normalization

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 > (Ignoring for the moment the enormous cost and pain of changing
 > codepoint-equality-checks to canonical-equality-checks in widely
 > deployed software and standards...)

I cannot see any causal relationship between "widely deployed"
and "enormous cost"; the cost would surely be much the same
were there just a handful of users, would it not ?

On the other hand, the number of parsers is small and finite;
how many input method editors are there for all the world's
natural languaqes, I wonder ?  That is surely where the real
cost would lie, were we to adopt Henri's preferred solution.


Received on Friday, 6 February 2009 10:59:32 UTC