Re: [css3-values] calc()'s <number-multiplicative-expression> incorrect

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 10:24 AM, L. David Baron <> wrote:
> However, I think if we want the spec to allow division by values,
> it's better not to use the grammar to do the dimension-checking.
> For example, the current grammar allows these:
>  (3em / 100%) * 3em
>  3em / 100% * 3em
>  3em * (3em / 100%)
> but disallows this:
>  3em * 3em / 100%
> which seems very strange.  I would much rather they either be all
> allowed or all disallowed.

Agreed that the current situation is non-sensical, and needs to change.

Your suggested changes seem good at first glance!  I believe they're
what I intuitively *thought* calc() did for handling units.


Received on Wednesday, 23 December 2009 23:34:09 UTC