
Hi, I'm new here, and I just noticed one little error in the new CSS 3
Transitions specification: if, in the transition-timing property, **for some
values**, (P2's X-coord) < (P1's X-coord), you would have multiple values
for the timing function at certain times, without having either value be
greater than 1 or less than 0. We'd have to disallow these values, and I
suggest that - if they exceed these values - the 2 x-coordinates be scaled
down by the same factor until the curve is exactly vertical at it's steepest
point, rather than reversing. Thoughts?

~6 out of 5 statisticians say that the number of statistics that either make
no sense or use ridiculous timescales at all has dropped over 164% in the
last 5.62474396842 years.

Received on Sunday, 20 December 2009 19:26:30 UTC