Re: Thoughts about columns-width

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 6:36 AM, Daniel Glazman
<> wrote:
> Ideally, column-width could take more than one argument. Imagine the
> element is rendered with 4 columns. The author could specify the
> optimal widths for all the 4 columns.
> - if the number of lengths passed as argument matches the number of
>  columns, then each length represents the optimal width of the
>  corresponding column in writing direction order
> - if the number of lenths is lower than the number of columns, then
>  each length passed matches the corresponding column in writing
>  direction order, the last length passed also applying to the remaining
>  columns
> - if the number of lengths is greater than the number of columns,
>  the lengths that match a column in writing direction order are
>  ignored.
> That would allow CSS Columns to match the behavior of wysiwyg non
> markup-based editors like Word or OOo.

I don't have any particular objections to this method of specifying
column widths.  It's simple, intuitive, and backwards-compatible, and
seems to match the different-width use cases I can think of.


Received on Friday, 18 December 2009 13:47:25 UTC