Re: [css3-values] allowing more whitespace within calc()

On Wednesday 2009-12-16 16:30 -0500, L. David Baron wrote:
> I think the simplest way to fix this is to change the single production:
> #  <length-expression> := <length-additive-expression>
> into:
> #  <length-expression> := S* <length-additive-expression> S*
> This would allow whitespace inside the toplevel parentheses of the
> calc() expression, inside inner parentheses within the <length-term>
> production, and also in the <length-min-max> production that I
> proposed in my previous email (with subject "[css3-values] Adding
> min() and max() into calc() grammar").

Actually, this isn't quite sufficient.  I think we also should
#  <number-term> := '(' <number-additive-expression> ')' | <number>
#  <number-term> := '(' S* <number-additive-expression> S* ')' | <number>


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Thursday, 17 December 2009 01:39:29 UTC