Re: [css-style-attr] New Editor's Draft

On Dec 9, 2009, at 2:48 PM, fantasai wrote:

> We currently don't have a spec that defines the contents of the 'style'
> attribute. As the CSSWG agreed earlier this year or last, I've stripped
> down the previous Style Attribute Syntax draft to the subset that is
> currently implemented today:
> If that looks good, I suggest we publish as a Last Call Working Draft and
> get this thing finished off.
> ~fantasai

There is a broken link in this sentence of the Syntax section:

See chapter 4 of the CSS2.1 specification.[CSS21]

And in this one:

Please refer to the grammar in appendix D of the CSS2.1 specification [CSS21] for the definition of the symbols not defined here.

Received on Thursday, 10 December 2009 16:36:08 UTC