Re: Feature queries

Simon Fraser wrote:
> In WebKit, we've been using media queries for this, not strictly on a property
> basis, but rather describing more general features of the rendering engine
> that we think are significant enough to cause designers to want to conditionalize
> big blocks of style. So, we have media queries for 2d- and 3d-transforms:

The problem with this is the problem we have with hasFeature. At what
point do you declare that you support the feature? As Schepers said,
if you support 4/5 mouse events, do you support the mouse events

The UA already makes a declaration of support at the property-value
level. And it's specific enough that in most cases you can answer
"is this property-value combination supported enough to be usable".

(Note: usable != bugfree)


Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2009 22:22:17 UTC