Re: New values for Float property

On 12/4/2009 7:56 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> What Gecko implements is the following, more or less:
> If computed direction is ltr, then the computed value of
> padding-left is given by the more specific of the specified values
> of padding-left and padding-start.
> If computed direction is ltr, then the computed value of
> padding-right is given by the more specific of the specified values
> of padding-right and padding-end.

I see. I wasn't aware that these properties had already been implemented
and this problem solved when I asked the question.

> I'm not sure how that would work, exactly.... How would you use
> direction:auto to achieve the effect of:
> body { direction: rtl; padding-start: 50px; padding-end: 20px; }
> ?

I accidentally sent that email with an incorrect example and corrected
it with a subsequent email. It should have been something along the
lines of |direction: rtl auto| where the first value specifies the text
direction and the second controls whether |*-left| and |*-right|
properties are have their values swapped.

In that case, properties like |padding-start| and |padding-end| wouldn't
exist (again, I didn't know they already existed) so your scenario
wouldn't occur.

Given that |padding-left| and |padding-right| do exist though, in the
presence of |direction: <direction> auto|, I would still just swap the
left and right values then use the more specific of |padding-left| and
|padding-start| etc (i.e., it would just be layered on top of the
described behavior for Gecko).

Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2009 07:24:54 UTC