Re: New values for Float property

Salar wrote:
> The idea is one style, different layouts. just like what is text-align did
> recently for text alignment. (two new values , start/end are introduced.)
> So *we* want similar things for blocks! that's all.

Keep in mind that a float does not behave like a block element in normal 
flow. Without a declared width, floats shrink wraps their contents. 
text-align only aligns inline children (left, center, right) and now 
start and end which makes perfect sense for rtl. IE7- did have a bug 
where this also affected horizontally aligned block level children that 
were smaller than their container.

> But guys what about new flexible boxing model introduced recently. aren't
> they to replace current boxing model. and it is direction dependent boxing
> model.

This spec is about having divs behave much like a table layout.

> I suppose it is an additional layout module to the interface. But this
> doesn't affect current issues with float.
> So please don't put aside proposed values.

Can you please define what issues you see with floats? It will help in 
clarifying what you are truly seeking in behavior.

FYI. In my time spent seeing used cases with CSS with rtl direction, 
IE7- would have to be hacked into line, often using text-align. This is 
because IE7- had poor support for rtl direction and should I mention the 
practice of coding for IE7- only. To overcome such difficulties many 
coders of rtl direction didn't use the HTML attribute dir="rtl" but 
rather text-align.


Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 13:12:31 UTC