Re: [CSS3, Backgrounds and Borders Module] some questions about border-radius

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Andrew
Fedoniouk<> wrote:
> Here are three possible cases of the location of the transition area:
> plus I've added for the reference example of Xara way of doing corner
> transitions on wide borders. Algorithm is close to case (1) as far as I can
> tell. At least it matches case #9 here
> I suspect that current spec is trying to define case (1) also.
> Zack, your case is (3) and is different from what spec is saying
> about tangents.
> We just need to choose one of cases define it.

I can assure you that I will *always* want case (3) rendering in that
circumstance.  Both case 1 and case 2 end up with the horrendous
effect that colors from my left border show up in what I consider my
top border.  In your round-corners-sciter.png image, example 10 is
horrifyingly bad and will *never* be the desired rendering of that
code, believe me.

I'm not sure how to specify this without screwing up your other
examples, which are all very attractive and pretty much exactly what I
would want and expect (example 9 is weird, but understandable).


Received on Sunday, 23 August 2009 18:31:15 UTC