RE: Mirror as background property

| The best would then be :
| background-repeat: <repeat-value> (<mirror-style>)?
|     <repeapt-value> : 'repeat' | 'repeat-x' | 'repeat-y' | 'no-repeat'
|     <mirror-style> : 'no-mirror' | 'mirror' | 'mirror-x' | 'mirror-y'

Yes, that works. And <flip-style> could also be added.

| To solve the problem of the mirrored gradient, we can create a 
| function like
| <image> : ... | <seamless>
|     <seamless> :  'seamless(' <image> ', ' <mirror-style> ')'


Both solutions seem a bit too complicating (and semantics-muzzing?).

Since mirroring will (hopefully) not be anywhere near as commonly-used as existing properties that could be extended to incorporate it, seems best to make it a separate property.

- davidp

Received on Saturday, 22 August 2009 18:59:46 UTC