Re: Mirror as background property

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 3:11 PM, David Perrell<> wrote:
> More thoughts on this...
> Mirror could be incorporated into background-repeat:
>  'mirror no-repeat' mirrors to the right.
>  'no-repeat mirror' mirrors downward.
>  'mirror' or 'mirror mirror' mirrors to the right, then mirrors both images downwards, giving you what would be a seamless pattern from any image.
> The problem with that is that once you have that potentially-seamless pattern, you can't tile it.
> Maybe a solution to that is a 'background-mirror' property that constructs a new image that then gets used when background-repeat is called for. In that case, you'd want
> 'background-mirror'
> [ right | bottom | both | none ]
> ('both' would be like 'mirror mirror' above)
> and rendering sequence would be 'background-flip'->'background-mirror'->'background-repeat'

Unfortunately, this still doesn't help me with my main use-case of
easily creating a mirrored gradient.  I'd have to first create my
half-gradient with the 'halfway point' edge being 100%, then use
background-size to reduce it to half the box size, position it with
background-position, and finally use background-mirror to flip it

All this is necessary only because the syntax right now is genericized
to apply to any image.  If I have an actual image, though, I can just
do the mirroring/flipping/etc myself in an image editor.  I do see
potential in your use-case for background-flip (reusing button images
for the out/in state), but otherwise this feature seems like it's only
really necessary for generated images like gradients, where you
*can't* just open it up in gimp and edit it.

What I want is the ability to take an image and specify a line to
mirror it around.


Received on Friday, 21 August 2009 21:38:37 UTC