Re: Mirror as background property

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:33 PM, David Perrell<> wrote:
> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> | So, how precisely would this work?  Would it just split the
> | background-box in half/quarters, take whatever would normally display
> | in the half/quarter indicated, and mirror that around?
> No, it would work like background-repeat (and could not be used in conjunction with it). It would repeat once in the direction indicated, then flip the repeated 'image' in the direction in which it is repeated.

Oh, gotcha!

> | Background-flip would need a way to specify which half it's supposed
> | to use.  I sort of like background-mirror.
> No, background-flip is not an alternate form of mirror. Background-flip would work exactly as 'transform:flip' works in Photoshop. The background image/gradient would continue to occupy the specified area. It would be flipped within that area.
> A common hover/mousedown effect is a dimensional button. If an image is used for this, separate images are needed for :hover and :active. By applying 'background-flip: both' to a 'button up' background image, it becomes a 'button down' image.

Again, understood - didn't get this from your original email.

> | Don't actually need to do that.  Just size it normally and only
> | specify out to 50%.  Background-mirror would automatically take care
> | of anything that went past the halfway point (by overwriting it with
> | the mirrored version).

Given your clarifications above, I find that I'm wrong.  You'd need to
combine this with background-size to get it to work as I want with


Received on Friday, 21 August 2009 18:11:37 UTC