Re: multiple backgrounds, shadows, text-fills...

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 1:51 PM, David Perrell<> wrote:
> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> | ...Multiple
> | backgrounds and multiple shadows both sort of suck - they basically
> | break the spirit of the cascade, even if they still conform to the
> | letter of it.  Not sure how to solve this.
> As regards the DOM-scripting issue when a single value becomes a comma-separated list, the obvious solution is to get rid of them. Anyone needing that complexity can get it with nested divs.

Nested shim divs is *not* generally an acceptable solution.  It's also
sometimes not even a *possible* solution, frex if the element is
display:table-cell.  There's no way to get multiple nested divs to all
fill the exact same space in that situation without specifying
explicit width/heights.

One way around this might be with ::outside and ::inside
pseudoelements, which can be stacked arbitrarily deep.  Dunno if
either of those would quite solve the sizing issue, though.


Received on Monday, 17 August 2009 20:15:03 UTC