Re: Filling text with a gradient/image

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 4:53 PM, David Perrell<> wrote:
> Brad Kemper wrote:
> | How about something called "text-background" that has all all the
> | background-* properties preceded by "text-"?
> Text is foreground, normally colored with property foreground-color.
> Text-background makes no sense. A subset of background properties should
> suffice.

I wouldn't say it makes *no* sense, but I'd prefer to cleave close to
the SVG property names and use text-fill and text-stroke as the basic
shortcut properties.

> The effect would always clip to the text, so -clip can be dumped.

No reason to cut out that possibility so fast.  It may be useful to
fill per-line or per-glyph.  Of course, it might not.

> The
> question is, what is the default size of the 'image' that's being clipped?
> I'd expect that for text-fill-clip it would be the content area. But there
> would be times when a fill might need to be aligned with a background, and
> you'd want it to occupy the same area.

Yeah, you'd want it to accept at least the same -origin and -clip
values as backgrounds, and have them refer to the same thing.


Received on Sunday, 16 August 2009 22:04:01 UTC