Re: Filling text with a gradient/image

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 7:45 PM, David Perrell<> wrote:
> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> | Ok, at this point I have to admit that I don't understand what you
> | mean by "scripting issue", then.  Can you give an example?
> I have a JavaScript function that incrementally changes the background-position of an element. The function assumes background-position is a single value. I provide that function with an element having two background-images that both have background-position set. There could be some issue with that.

Ah, k.  I assumed you meant some sort of scripting security issues,
like you could suddenly embed js in CSS or something.  I understand

Yes, that can and will produce some issues.  I've been thinking about
it a bit today, since Andrew said something about it.  Multiple
backgrounds and multiple shadows both sort of suck - they basically
break the spirit of the cascade, even if they still conform to the
letter of it.  Not sure how to solve this.

> | Your "stroke" property almost does that, but it's polluted by the
> | strange effect that it also automatically changes the display of the
> | border.  What you want instead is to take webkit's "text-fill"
> | property but extend it to accept an identical syntax to background
> | (right now it only accepts a color).
> Yeah, well, that "stroke" was just off the top of my head, an area that may be slightly fried. I've since changed my mind about auto-applying to border. You'd still need things like border-left-stroke, etc. (which I think you already mentioned). As with your sucky proposal, this could avoid the overlapping text issue. What I was thinking was that the parameters for the gradient would be consistent for both background and stroke, which I think is true of your sucky proposal.

To be clear: the sucky one was the Webkit idea.  My idea of using
text-fill with the full set of background properties shouldn't be
sucky.  ^_^  It's approaching the problem in the correct direction.

And yes, both text-fill and border-stroke would accept a gradient just fine.


Received on Sunday, 16 August 2009 04:16:52 UTC