Re: Gradient syntax proposal

On Aug 15, 2009, at 3:52 PM, David Perrell wrote:

> Brad Kemper wrote:
> | You mean because having the bg-positions to start and stop on is
> | essentially creating a new box with it's own internal dimensions of
> | 0%-100% and 0px or more? You thinking you can just create a second
> | background thats as small as that box? I was think of that too, but
> | the gradation actually needs to keep going on all four sides of that
> | box, even at odd angles, so I don't think that'd work.
> Well, could no-repeat stop it from going on all four sides?
> Oh, wait, semantically, that makes no sense...
> Except that it's an IMAGE, not a color, right? Sized background  
> images with
> no-repeat don't go out on all four sides.

Right. That's why that wouldn't work, and why they're using x/y  
coordinates to create a separate area for the 0% to 100% stop  
positions instead.

Received on Sunday, 16 August 2009 00:12:22 UTC