Re: Gradient syntax proposal

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Brad Kemper<> wrote:
> linear-gradient(
>    -87deg,
>    green 30%,
>    blue 20%,
>    navy
> )
> This means: starting at a point 30% from the box top-left and going down and
> slightly to the right, begin the gradation with green at 30% of the way from
> that corner along that angle (towards where it would need to go at that
> angle to fill  the opposite corner). Then 20% down from the box top-left, it
> should be blue. Then the gradation ends with navy at the end of that angled
> path (a line of navy that intersects the lower right corner).

Argh, you're still not making any sense.  You can't start the gradient
30% from the top, then continue it 20% from the top, and end it 100%
from the top.  That's a zigzag.  >_<

> Did you
> intend to write "blue 50%"?
> OK. I see. 30% + 20% would be closer to where her blue is. Sure. Me
> math-adverse sometimes.

So, you *did* mean to write "blue 50%"?  Or did you really mean that
you want to be able to write "blue 20%" in that situation and have it
really mean that blue should start 50% down from the top?


Received on Saturday, 15 August 2009 05:11:18 UTC