Re: Shadows vs. layout

Bert Bos wrote:
> I didn't see the following argument mentioned yet. (Sorry if somebody 
> did and I missed it.)
> The size of a shadow is unpredictable when the shadow is blurry. We 
> don't define the precise algorithm for the blur, but I imagine the 
> intensity of the shadow diminishes with something approximating a 
> Gaussian curve. At some point, the shadow intensity will be less than 
> can be expressed within the color depth of the screen, but where that 
> point is is not easily known. The page author certainly can't predict 
> it.
Yep, good one, Bert.
The same argument should apply to various anti-aliasing effects, e.g. on 
fonts for example.
Each blur effect is in principle limited only by dimensions of the 
Universe (13.5 billion light years or so).
I don't think that David would want to scroll it that far.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2009 22:43:36 UTC