Re: Shadows vs. layout

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Andrew
Fedoniouk<> wrote:
> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> To be fair, on the GUI systems you know about, the elements are
>> purposely placed so that the shadow doesn't try to 'spill out' of the
>> container.  So the question of overflow behavior doesn't come up.
> Window rectangle does not include shadow/outline.
> At least on Windows it is a bit challenging to get outline rectangle
> of the window that includes shadow. So pardon me but I am not buying
> "purposely placed so that the...". Haven't seen such purposeful attempts.

I'm talking about within a window - windows themselves live on the
desktop, which is overflow:hidden.  ^_^

> The only case when the shadow is just such a background - is a part of
> window (read: DOM element) background itself as here
> for
> example.

Hmm, HTMLayout lets elements jump out of the application's window?
That's... weird.

>> In the web environment the issue is a bit different - it's easy to
>> make elements with shadows/outlines/border-images that have parts of
>> the visual effect spilling out.
> Yes. As in any other GUI system including various WMs.

I don't dispute that it can happen.  I'm just saying that in my
experience, OS GUI elements are either overflow:hidden, or their
children are prevented from having shadow spill out (this may because
the shadow is counted as part of their geometry).

I generally agree with you here, Andrew.  ^_^


Received on Monday, 3 August 2009 21:34:11 UTC