Re: Automatic scheme: dark or light

We have that, it is called Alternative Stylesheets.
You write the default (untitled) stylesheet that is color-independent.
Then you write the "black-on-white" stylesheet with the appropriate
title, and the same for "white-on-black". User will then chose
"black-on-white" or "white-on-black" depending on their tastes.

If you want automatic selection of CSS stylesheets based on OS/UA
theme, you should ask the UA vendor (that could automatically select
stylesheets with "dark" or "black" in their name). Actually we cannot
constrain the title into something machine-parsable, because it is
intended to be in native user language.

For further info, see <>


2009/4/27 Maciej Wakuła <>:
> User screens are usually dark-on-light or light-on-dark.
> Example: VIM editor has color schemes that are defined as light or dark.
> I have not seen any automated mechanism of determining which is used
> by the user (so that scheme could set to correct stylesheet).
> I think that only W3C can implement that feature to become a standard
> (since, thanks to any god, "the browsers" seek to get compatible with
> W3C).
> Currently I find internet web pages to be mostly designed for
> dark-on-light desktops mostly. Whenever I set dark OS scheme - the
> contrast between OS and user pages is too high for 99% of the pages.
> I would like to see some automated mechanism to open pages in correct
> (light or dark, depending on my OS settings) style. If no style is
> defined then browsers could at least try to optionally invert the
> colors.
> Text browsers could probably support that... and are probably more
> impacted by the issue than the graphical browsers.
> I guess that this is a simple, yet intuitive and quite important, request.
> Regards

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 12:16:36 UTC