Re: [CSS3] Flexible Flow Module, proposal.

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> I just realized this.  Normal static-flow elements can only use flex
> units within a container with the proper flow value.  However, there's
> no particular mention of whether or not that restriction applies to
> abspos/fixpos elements.
> Does it?  The restriction for normal elements is mostly to ensure that
> we have a good way of figuring out what "unused space" means when a
> dimension is unrestricted (like height for standard containers) so you
> don't have an element pushing its container to infinite size.  But
> abspos/fixpos elements don't change the dimensions of their
> positioning ancestor, so they should be able to use flexes in an
> unrestricted manner.
> So, can you use flex units on abspos/fixpos elements?  Position should
> take flexes without a problem, as should margin.  Padding still needs
> wording to the effect of "if a height/width isn't explicitly defined,
> there is no unused space in that direction".
> ~TJ
The reason of limitation of flexes use only in containers with flow 
defined is related to
float elements.

Here is an example:

<p style="margin-top:*">Image on the right:<img style="float:right"></p>
<p >Some text after it.</p>

First you will replace text of the P and so you will find position for 
And as a last step of container measurement process you will process 
flexes as
at this moment you know space that you can distribute in vertical direction.
By shifting down first and next p (as of margin-top:*) you will change 
their position but <img>
is already participated in text flow.... To be short flexes and float 
are conflicting to each other.

The solution is explained in my document: all children of containers 
with 'flow' establish
block formatting context as table cells do.

About position:absolute|fixed. Yes, there is always block formatting 
context where such
elements are replaced  so flexes can be used "as is" as there is always 
a box where they live.
left|top|bottom|right can accept flexes to position/align elements.
That was explained in section 5.1 of

For position:relative interpretation of flexes is as for 
position:static. left|top|bottom|right
in flexes are ignored because for position:relative their meaning is 
different - offsets from static
position. They do not use concept of containing box so nothing to flex 

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2009 22:06:49 UTC