Re: [css3-content] Replacing ::outside with ::inside

From: "Giovanni Campagna" <>
> 2009/4/12 François REMY <>:


>> Using myElem#specialItem::inside will result in two lines of 7pt, where 
>> with
>> ::outside, it's the
>> size of the font outside of the element (may be 12pt).
>> If I want the font-size of 'outside' the myElem, how can I do with 
>> ::inside
>> ?
> You forgot two fundamental features of CSS:
> 1) cascading: if you can locally define myElem#specialItem::inside,
> you can also define myElem#specialItem { font-size:inherit;
> line-heigth:inherit; }

Hum, and if I want to apply the 7pt, I need to define another rule for the 

So, I need this :

myElem { // Defined globaly
    font-size: 7pt; line-height: 7pt

myElem#specialItem::before { // Defined localy
    content: '\A\A';
    font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit;

myElem#specialItem::inside {  // Defined locally
    font-size: 7pt; line-height: 7pt

And what happens if someone decide to change the 7pt to 8pt later ? Does 
this person
need to look at every local page if there's no rule that was used to 'hack' 
the ::inside problem ?

> 2) inheritance: line-heigth and font-size are inherited properties,
> and all pseudo-elements inherit from their superior parent, regardless
> of where they're placed: so myElem#specialItem::outside gets a
> line-heigth and a font-size of 7pt

x::outside don't herit of x's properties, because x::outside is the 
ancestror of x.
It's x that inherits from x::outside. Wrong ?

> Number 2 is the reason I want to change ::outside with ::inside

> It is because of lack of implementation that I would like to change
> "::outside" with "::inside". I hope that this change will make it
> easier to implement, and thus more likely to be implemented soon.

Why should this be easier to implement ?


Received on Sunday, 12 April 2009 19:32:51 UTC