Re: [css3-multicol] page-break-inside and columns

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> Not quite.  If you have a very simple structure, such as an <img>
> always followed by a single <p> for a caption, then yes.  In a more
> general sense, though, where you may have a title for the image, and
> possibly more than one sibling element referring to it, you'd want to
> avoid breaks between *all* of them, which is something very difficult
> and error-prone to specify. 

But, with respect, I don't think you would (want to avoid breaks
between /all/ of them, that is).  If you insist on so doing, you
make the page makeup task extraordinarily difficult, whereas if
you say (for example) that the <img> must be tied to the /next/
element, and that breaks both within that element and within
subsequent elements are acceptable, then you make the task
very very much easier.  The more constraints you place on
breaking, the uglier the results are likely to be ...

> Luckily you can semantically pack these
> into a <figure> element, at which point you'd like to say that you
> want to avoid breaks inside of any and all <figure>s.  This addresses
> the issue with little to no chance of errors, no matter what markup
> you've chosen to associate with an image.

Well, no, I wouldn't want to inhibit breaks within a <figure>,
for the reasons outlined above.

** Phil.

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 18:39:59 UTC