[css21][css3-selectors] case-insensitive attribute values

I was wondering if there was any chance I could convince implementors to  
remove the magic list of attribute names whose values are matched again in  
an ASCII case-insensitive way when the style sheet is associated with an  
HTML document. The list mainly consists of obsolete presentational  
attributes though every time we'd add a new attribute to HTML it would  
have to be added here too (e.g. contenteditable, spellcheck, required,  
etc.) and would have to be tested, et cetera, while there is no real  
benefit for developers.

Also we allow other languages to be embedded in HTML documents these days  
through the DOM and in the future MathML and SVG can be embedded through  
syntax as well. This increases the chance that one of the ASCII  
case-insensitive HTML attributes will clash with a case-sensitive  
attribute there though the latter will still be matched in an ASCII  
case-insensitive way.

Internet Explorer 6 and 7 always did case-sensitive matching here so it  
seems the risk of changing is still small.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2009 15:34:25 UTC