Re: [css3-background] box-shadow syntax

On May 7, 2008, at 9:23 AM, Eli Morris-Heft wrote:

> Brad Kemper also wrote:
>> Then a negative blur radius could mean that is is an inner shadow  
>> instead
>> of an outer shadow.
> I like this idea, but UAs have an option to not render the inner  
> glow if there isn't enough space inside? Think about small text, or  
> tiny boxes...

As always, it would be up to the author to not over-use an effect or  
to use it in a way that would make the page ugly or hard to read. I  
imagine that 9px white text with a 200px inner black shadow would not  
look too different from black text.

Received on Thursday, 8 May 2008 03:16:52 UTC