[CSSWG] Tracker

The CSS Working Group just got Tracker set up to track our open
issues and action items. We're just starting to use it, so don't
expect everything to be there. :) But it's here:

Previous tracking has been in text files and HTML files in our
group space and on the unofficial wiki at http://csswg.inkedblade.net/

One of the side effects of Tracker is that all people on the CSSWG
roster at W3C are listed here. Before people go and overanalyze
this information, I'll just note for the record that not everyone
there is active; quite a few are just subscribed to the mailing
list and don't say much if anything. A handful participate mainly
in the joint-CSS/SVG/XSLFO/I18n W3C Japanese Layout Task Force.
Pretty much all other active members are the ones you see posting
here on www-style: there's a very high correlation between
participation in meetings and participation on www-style.


Received on Thursday, 20 March 2008 20:03:15 UTC