List item and marker box layout - Scroll behaviour

When a list-style-position is set to outside and the list element has scroll bars on it, should it still display the marker outside ?

                overflow: scroll;
                <div id="idLI">
                                Line 1 <br>
                                Line 2 <br>
                                Line 3 <br>
                                Line 4 <br>
                                Line 5 <br>
                                Line 6 <br>


I believe that it should, because the spec does not make any exceptions about scroll behavior and

9. Markers: The ::marker pseudo-element<>

"The marker box will be vertically aligned with the first line of content in the principal box,"

states that I should align with the first line. I would expect that the marker is aligned with the first line as if the
principle box is in its un-scrolled state.

However I don't see this behavior in any other browser, am I missing something ?



Received on Sunday, 16 March 2008 22:12:11 UTC