Re: WebKit now supports CSS Variables

On Jun 27, 2008, at 8:50 AM, Daniel Glazman wrote:

> Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
>> The only bonus of CSS @vars from CSS @const is the ability to change
>> their values by script in runtime. I haven't heard anyone asking  
>> for such a feature...
> Because this mailing-list is supposed to be representative of the
> web designers' community ???
> Hyatt and I have received a lot of very positive feedback by email,
> inclusing improvements suggestions. A lot of blogs have vocally lauded
> our proposal...
> </daniel>"

Just because we give feedback on how to make it better doesn't mean we  
don't appreciate the effort. I am a Web designer, and of course I am  
ecstatic to finally see some attention focused on CSS variables and/or  
constants. But as Dave said, "Nothing has even remotely been finalized  
about this spec", so we are also providing feedback that we hope you  
will listen to, in order to develop it into something better.

Andrew was commenting specifically on the fact that in the spec, as it  
is now, the values of the variables remain mutable, instead of just  
resolving them at loading. Is the Web designer community really  
singling that out as something they like?

Received on Friday, 27 June 2008 16:39:55 UTC