- From: John Daggett <jdaggett@mozilla.com>
- Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 23:35:49 -0700 (PDT)
- To: "L. David Baron" <dbaron@dbaron.org>
- Cc: www-style@w3.org
> (1) the computed value is a legal number value combined with an > <em>ordered sequence</em> of relative values. > > (2) the computed value is a legal number value combined with a count > of relative values (with positive vs. negative distinguishing > bolder and lighter) Both of these ways have merits but maintaining an ordered sequence of bolder/lighter steps is a big implementation headache, the sequence is essentially bounded only by the element nesting level. I don't see any strong advantage to it and the added complexity is a huge disadvantage. Given a font family with two weights, 400 and 700, consider the following example: p { font-weight: 700; } strong { font-weight: bolder; } em { font-weight: lighter; } <p>Music can be <strong>loud or <em>soft</em></strong> yet soothing</p> (1) with an ordered sequence: loud is bolder than soft soft is lighter than soothing (2) with relative delta weights: loud is the same weight as soft soft is the same weight as soothing The first way satisfies the author who says "when I use lighter I want lighter dammit" but annoys the author who wonders "why is text in a strong tag lighter than text outside that tag?". I think we should change the wording to describe how computed weights are calculated and how a face is selected from that value. John Daggett Mozilla Japan
Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 06:36:30 UTC