[css3-mediaqueries] clarification of text for (feature)

[Re: 5th June 2008 Editor's draft]

>From section 4, I believe that the media query "(min-width)" should match if
the view port/page box is not zero width since, effectively, a valueless
query is implicitly "not equal to zero".

Would it be possible to simplify the sentences that describe this in the
third bullet point of section 4, as I usually fail to parse it when I read
it, specifically the sentence "If feature accepts the zero value x cannot be
zero".  I'd like to drop that sentence and amend the previous sentence by
replacing "a value x" giving:

"For media feature, _feature_, (_feature_) will evaluate to true if
(_feature_:x) will evaluate to true for any value of x other than zero."

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 15:17:27 UTC