Re: [CSS 2.1] static position of an absolutely positioned element with auto-offsets

Ingo Chao wrote:
 > IE places an absolutely positioned box with auto-offsets /alongside/ a
 > float. Does this behavior violate the spec or not? I think it should.

If Ingo is talking about IE<=7, this browser has its own bizarre and 
buggy proprietary positioning model that I don't think CSS21 would want 
to encourage.[1]  Specifically for the case Ingo raises, IE<=7 
determines the static position of the AP box as if it were inline-level 
even if it is actually display:block.[2]  This certainly seems in 
violation of the specification, seeing as the computed value of 
'display' is explicitly stated for absolutely positioned elements,[3] 
and is never 'inline'.



Anton Prowse

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2008 20:37:03 UTC